Behind The Camera
Hey There!
My name is Erin and I am the one behind the camera. In all my spare time, I am either out taking photos, planning my next photo shoot, or learning about more photography techniques. I have pushed myself to learn from continuous practice and those around me (with a little help from the internet - or maybe a lot of help!). While I still have so much to learn, I wanted to share some of the photos I am most proud of so far with the world.
And so, AprilRains Photography was created!
Behind the Name
April = I was born in April, so this was an obvious choice.
Rains = For some reason I had it in my head for the longest time that it had been raining on the day of my birth. My mum has recently corrected me and told me it was actually snowing. But it was too late, the name was already chosen. Plus, AprilSnows just doesn’t have the same ring to it!
More About Erin
I was born and raised in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. My childhood was filled with amazing camping trips, exploring the stunning and gorgeous provincial parks in Ontario, while also learning to navigate independently in the big city. My mum is an incredible artist, her medium of choice being the canvas (check out her site: Cathy Dunt Fine Art). I thought since I couldn’t draw that the artistic talent had skipped a generation, which made me feel constricted because I felt like I needed some way to express myself through art. I tried multiple artistic outlets, from creative writing to dance, but none of them felt like they were the right outlet for me. It wasn’t until I picked up a camera that I finally found my passion, and even then it wasn’t until 2018 that I seriously started pursuing it.
I moved to Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, and am having an absolute blast exploring this city and meeting amazing photographers from the community. I enjoy seeing the different perspectives other photographers can take on the same subject. Follow me on Instagram to stay up to date with what I am up to, I post to my stories often and post throughout the week!